
  mapping(key => value)



在mapping中, key可以是整型、字符串等基本数据类型,但不能使用动态数组、contract、枚举、struct,以及mapping这些类型。 value 的类型没有限制,甚至使用一个mapping作为value也是允许的。

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Mappings {
    struct Employee {
        string name;
        uint8 no;
    mapping (bytes => Employee) bytesMapping;  //字节数组作为key
    mapping (address => Employee) addressMapping; // address作为key 
    mapping (string => mapping(uint => Employee)) complexMapping;  // mapping作为value,是可以的。 
    // mapping (Employee ==> uint8) structMapping; //不能使用struct来作为key

在solidity中,mapping可以看做是一个哈希表。 在这个表中,已经列举了所有可能的key值,并把这些key映射到已经将所有字段初始化为0的value上。 但在存储上,key的值并不是直接保存在这个哈希表中,而是它的keccak256值。使用的时候,需要通过这个值来查到对应的真实的key值。 所以,在solidity中,mapping没有长度length的概念,也无法使用set来设置或者添加映射值的必要。

  function len() public returns(uint8) {
		// 编译错误: TypeError: Member "length" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in mapping(bytes memory => struct Mappings.Employee  // storage ref)
        // return bytesMapping.length;
        //        ^-----------------^
        return bytesMapping.length;  

二、 存储模型

到当前版本,mapping 还仅能被声明为storage变量中,不能使用在memory上。 由于在mapping中键的数量是任意的,导致映射的大小也是变长的。映射只能声明为storage的状态变量, 或者在局部变量中引用到某个状态变量。

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Mappings {
    struct Employee {
        string name;
        uint8 no;
    mapping (bytes => Employee) bytesMapping;
    function declaring() public returns(string) {
        bytesMapping["alex"] = Employee("Alex John", 1);
        mapping (bytes => Employee) ref = bytesMapping; 
        ref["alex"].name = "Alexanda Jackson";
        return bytesMapping["alex"].name;


三、 mapping状态变量

如果在contract中声明了mapping状态变量, solidity编译器会自动生成get方法, 输入参数为key,输出参数为value。 如果使用mapping来作为value,则会生成两个输入参数的get方法, 以此类推。

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Mappings {
    struct Employee {
        string name;
        uint8 no;
    mapping (string => mapping(uint8 => Employee)) complexMapping; 

    function setter() public returns(string){
        complexMapping["alex"][1] = Employee("Alex John", 1);
        complexMapping["alex"][2] = Employee("Alex Mike", 2);
        complexMapping["tom"][1] = Employee("Tom Cruise", 6);
        return complexMapping["tom"][1].name;



由于原生的mapping限制比较多, 以太坊在官方的github上提供了一个扩展IterableMapping库 。 增加了类似其他语言的映射类型的操作。

library IterableMapping
  struct itmap
    mapping(uint => IndexValue) data;
    KeyFlag[] keys;
    uint size;
  struct IndexValue { uint keyIndex; uint value; }
  struct KeyFlag { uint key; bool deleted; }
  function insert(itmap storage self, uint key, uint value) returns (bool replaced)
    uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
    self.data[key].value = value;
    if (keyIndex > 0)
      return true;
      keyIndex = self.keys.length++;
      self.data[key].keyIndex = keyIndex + 1;
      self.keys[keyIndex].key = key;
      return false;
  function remove(itmap storage self, uint key) returns (bool success)
    uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
    if (keyIndex == 0)
      return false;
    delete self.data[key];
    self.keys[keyIndex - 1].deleted = true;
    self.size --;
  function contains(itmap storage self, uint key) returns (bool)
    return self.data[key].keyIndex > 0;
  function iterate_start(itmap storage self) returns (uint keyIndex)
    return iterate_next(self, uint(-1));
  function iterate_valid(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (bool)
    return keyIndex < self.keys.length;
  function iterate_next(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (uint r_keyIndex)
    while (keyIndex < self.keys.length && self.keys[keyIndex].deleted)
    return keyIndex;
  function iterate_get(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (uint key, uint value)
    key = self.keys[keyIndex].key;
    value = self.data[key].value;


contract User
  // Just a struct holding our data.
  IterableMapping.itmap data;
  // Insert something
  function insert(uint k, uint v) returns (uint size)
    // Actually calls itmap_impl.insert, auto-supplying the first parameter for us.
    IterableMapping.insert(data, k, v);
    // We can still access members of the struct - but we should take care not to mess with them.
    return data.size;
  // Computes the sum of all stored data.
  function sum() returns (uint s)
    for (var i = IterableMapping.iterate_start(data); IterableMapping.iterate_valid(data, i); i = IterableMapping.iterate_next(data, i))
        var (key, value) = IterableMapping.iterate_get(data, i);
        s += value;

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